A Journey Through Sherri Fulmer Moorer’s Narrative Realm

PHOTO: Sherri’s personality is a unique blend of social media enthusiast
Exploring Genre Fluidity, Inspirations,
and Hopeful Realities in Conversation with a Multifaceted Storyteller
In this exclusive interview with Sherri Fulmer Moorer, readers are invited into the vibrant world of a writer whose storytelling prowess transcends boundaries. From her lifelong dedication to crafting narratives that redefine reality to her refusal to be confined within a singular genre, Sherri shares invaluable insights into her inspirations, reading preferences, and the profound influences shaping her writing.
Sherri Fulmer Moorer is a multifaceted writer whose love for storytelling has been a lifelong passion. Born with an innate desire to craft narratives, she found a remarkable avenue for sharing her tales through ebooks, a medium that allowed her to connect with readers worldwide. Her writing serves a distinct purpose: to redefine reality by thrusting ordinary individuals into extraordinary circumstances, inviting readers on gripping adventures that transcend the norm.
What sets Sherri apart is her refusal to confine herself to a single genre. Instead, she ventures across literary landscapes, exploring various genres and themes. This refusal to be pigeonholed mirrors her diverse array of interests and talents. Beyond her identity as an author, Sherri immerses herself in a full-time career in professional licensing. This professional sphere not only keeps her rooted in reality but also serves as a wellspring of inspiration for her writing, drawing from the rich tapestry of human experiences she encounters.
Nestled in the woods, Sherri shares her home with her partner, living amidst the tranquility of nature. Their household is enriched by the delightful presence of two parrots, whose antics and vibrant personalities infuse their lives with boundless joy and a touch of eccentricity that some may find unconventional but incredibly endearing.
Sherri’s personality is a unique blend of social media enthusiast and a borderline introvert/extrovert, embodying a dynamic duality that enriches her interactions with the world. Her online quizzes have amusingly likened her kindred spirit to a hybrid between a Sith Inquisitor from the Star Wars universe and the lovable Scooter from The Muppets, a testament to her diverse and intriguing character.
In essence, Sherri Fulmer Moorer is not just an author but a vibrant individual whose passion for writing is complemented by a rich tapestry of experiences, interests, and a delightfully quirky spirit that infuses her work and interactions with a special charm.
Sherri Fulmer Moorer’s vibrant life and diverse interests, as beautifully captured in her biography, set the stage for an enthralling delve into her world in an exclusive interview for Reader’s House magazine. From her lifelong passion for storytelling to her refusal to be confined by genre limitations, Sherri’s unique perspectives and experiences serve as the backdrop for a captivating discussion. In this interview, she generously shares insights into her creative process, inspirations drawn from her professional endeavors and personal life, and the fascinating interplay between her eclectic personality and the vivid characters that inhabit her stories. This conversation with Sherri promises readers a deeper understanding of the creative forces that drive her captivating narratives.
Which writers — working today do you admire most?
Blake Crouch and J.A. Jance. Blake Crouch writes the most compelling, thought-provoking sci-fi that I’ve ever read, and J.A. Jance makes her mysteries more interesting by wrapping them around the day to day life of her characters. Both of these writers are masterful at world building, and make their stories come alive in worlds that you can easily see yourself in. Their stories also stick with you long after you turn the last page.
What genres do you especially enjoy reading?
I enjoy science fiction because I love imagining where the human race is going in the future, and to see other peoples’ vision of it. I also enjoy mystery and suspense novels, because I am fascinated at how they solve the crimes, especially when they use forensic science to do it.
What kind of reader were you as a child?
A voracious reader. Stories have always been a part of my life. My Granddaddy always used to tell me stories of his life, and I would draw in my books before I learned how to read to add my own stories to the ones that fascinated me. I would read almost anything, and was at the library at least once or twice a week.
If you could meet any writer, dead or alive, who would it be? And what would you want to know?
I would love to meet C.S. Lewis and P.D. James. Lewis because he was brilliant, and James because her mysteries are so compelling and I’d love to know how she did it. I especially feel a connection to both of these writers because they, like me, did their writing while working full-time jobs, and I’d love to talk to them about the challenges, adventures, and rewards of that life.
What books do you find yourself returning to again and again?
Two books I’ve read repeatedly, and which top my list of best novels of all time, are J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Stephen King’s The Stand. They may be radically different, but the similarity that draws me to both of these books are the authors’ mastery of tackling large themes about the importance of personal motivation and motive in influencing life by completely destroying and rebuilding the world. The theme of my writing is broken reality, and I feel these two books are the ultimate examples of everything coming apart, and the attempt to put together a brand new reality that is (hopefully) better than the one that fell apart.
Did the COVID pandemic influence your writing?
COVID changed the world, and we all came out of it with our reality broken and the huge task of rebuilding it. In fact, I changed the theme of my writing from “escape reality” to “broken reality,” because I realized that my works since 2020 have dealt with characters facing major, life-changing situations that require them to leave behind all they know and rebuild a new one from what they have become through their struggles. My current work-in-progress, Singularity, is a post-apocalyptic novel about the survivors of a worldwide epidemic debating over relaunching artificial intelligence to help them rebuild the world.
What modern issues influence your writing?
The big issue now is Artificial Intelligence. There is no doubt that this is the big development of our time, and it’s already having an impact on day-to-day life. As a younger member of Generation X, I toggle between enthusiasm of this developing technology and the larger implications on the evolution of humanity as our technology continues to develop. I first tackled this issue head on in The Sentience Series, and while it doesn’t feature as much in Broken Time, it is a major component of my current work-in-progress.
What do you hope readers will gain from your writing?
The number one thing I want readers to experience with my writing is the joy that I feel when I read a good book that inspires me. I want my readers free to draw whatever they need from my writing, but one thing I do hope they discover is that there’s always hope. You can change and improve life if you are determined to get better and to do what’s right. It will take time and be frustrating, but if you stand in faith then you can gain wisdom that will help you find the right way to the better life that you desire.
Are there things you won’t write?
I don’t do romance or erotica because my inspiration doesn’t seem to run that way. I’m not your typical love story girly-girl, and want my readers to find strong female protagonists who aren’t afraid to use their intelligence, strengths, talents, and abilities to overcome their challenges and save themselves. Romantic relationships are in some of my works, but they’re usually established character relationships that work into the plot, and not the focus of it. I also don’t use curse words in my writing. It’s not because I’m a fussy purist, but rather because some publishers and readers find offence to that, and I don’t want to alienate them. If I’m a writer, then I should have a good enough vocabulary to find ways to express that kind of emotion. I also tend to back off themes of too much overt religion and politics in my writing for the same reasons. I had a psychology teacher tell me in high school that these two issues are the most divisive. While I cannot ignore them, I am careful to present them in a neutral or general perspective, because I want all readers to feel welcome.
Are there things you would like to write that you haven’t tried yet?
I would like to write more humor pieces. A year ago, I embarked on an attempt to do this, but my beta readers quickly pointed out that Duality turned into a heavy suspense/mystery novel that dug into deep themes. Obviously I failed that attempt (even if I did publish it as a unique Thanksgiving themed mystery this year), so perhaps I’ll try again someday. I have written a few silly short stories and flash fiction pieces, and enjoyed showing readers a lighter side that I hope inspired them to find the joy and silliness in everyday life. My husband has also asked me if I have ever considered writing fantasy. I am intimidated by the heavy world-building elements of that genre, but I may try it one day.

PHOTO: From her lifelong dedication to crafting narratives
that redefine reality to her refusal to be confined within a singular genre,
Sherri shares invaluable insights into her inspirations, …
Broken Time Excerpt
Chapter 1
Wednesday, September 30, 2161, at 9:20 a.m.
How did it come to this?
Alessi huddled under a pew in the crumbling church, staring at the astronomical readouts on her computer. The readings from the satellites stabilized long enough for her to see that the shadow emerging from the anomaly over Antarctica was debris from outside of this dimension.
It was a rogue planet. No, not a rogue planet. It was an Earth destroyed by an experiment that should have never happened.
Where is my family?
The small spatial distortion over Antarctica should have been left alone. It would have remained harmless if she ignored it, simply a blip in the fabric of reality. Instead, she had to poke at it, prying it open until they were completely open to the other side and unable to hide from this catastrophic fate.
Where is Layne?
It was too late to decide how she felt about him now. It was too late for anything. Then again, she knew that she was a fool. Her desire to become the foremost expert in string theory had brought about the end of the world. This was her fault. She was separated from everybody and everything she knew and now, it was all crashing down around her. Literally.
Stacia’s face appeared in the dust falling in the space next to the pew. “What’s the latest?”
Alessi crawled out of her hiding spot. “The anomaly has stabilized. It’s only a matter of time before the magnetic field coming through it will tear us apart.”
Stacia shook her head. “This is impossible.”
“Nothing is impossible.” Alessi swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I shouldn’t have answered that signal. Our connection caused the destabilization. The expansion has stopped and all of creation is collapsing into nothing.”
The ground shook again, raining plaster over the crowded sanctuary. “How long?” Stacia asked.
“There’s no way to say,” she shut down her laptop and zipped it in her tote bag by the crystal keyring of planet Earth. “Our satellites are unstable. I got a glimpse of what was happening. The magnetic forces of the pulsar have destroyed the Earth on the other side of the anomaly, and it’s pushing through our side. That planet is on a collision course with the South Pole. Nothing can stop it.”
Alessi and Stacia tumbled to the floor as the ground shook again.
“How long do we have?” Stacia asked.
Other people crawled toward them, listening to the conversation. Alessi pulled herself to her feet.
“I don’t know. There are no computer models to tell us what to expect. Nothing like this has ever happened.”
“We’re waiting to die,” a woman sobbed.
“This isn’t the end, but a new beginning,” the priest said from the middle of the group. Everybody turned to the kindly old man as he stepped into the crumbling pulpit. “You don’t have to be a scientist to know the truth. This is the end. Not just the end of us, but the end of time. Nothing can save us, can it?”
All eyes turned on Alessi. She shook her head. “No.”
“Then let us prepare for the end of this life and the life to come.”
The chatter in the flickering light of the sanctuary was silenced as the priest climbed into what was left of the pulpit. “Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.”
“I don’t want to die!” the sobbing woman screamed.
“Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
“I hope Heaven isn’t collapsing into fire and ash like we are!” a man yelled.
“Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”
Alessi closed her eyes, tears falling from her eyelids and dripping on the crystal keyring dangling from her laptop case on the floor next to her feet. “Amen.”
A knock made Alessi jump. “Alessi, are you alright?”
She opened her eye to see her father standing in the doorway of her room. “What?”
He walked into the pink bedroom. “I know you’re upset about your grandfather, but you need to come out. The church went to a lot of trouble to make us dinner, and Aiden and Stacia are asking for you.”
“I know. It’s just that Mom’s crying.”
“She misses her dad.”
“I know. I miss you –.”
Alessi froze, looking around the pink bedroom.
How did it come to this?
Her gaze turned to her father. It was him. Her father, Gerald Byrne. Not ravaged by the lung cancer that killed him nearly two years ago, but healthy and happy. As happy as he could be after losing his father-in-law and dealing with a grieving family.
Her heart skipped a beat.
This isn’t real.
“What’s happening?” she asked.
“Alessi, are you alright? You locked yourself in here when we got back from the funeral, and that muttering was the first thing we heard out of you in nearly an hour.” He reached for her, but she stumbled backward against the wall across from her dresser. She glanced in the mirror.
It was her reflection, but she was 13 years old. Her reflection showed the short, skinny frame and long, red hair of her youth.
“Alessi?” her father said.
“No,” she backed against the wall. “Who are you?”
“I’m your dad!”
“This is wrong. The end was here. The priest was praying – “
“Alessi, what are you talking about? I’m fine. I’m right here.”
“No, you aren’t. But at least you got a proper burial. The rest of us collapsed in fire and ash.”
Thunder rocked the sky. A flash of lightning lit the window, sending a sparkle from the crystal globe keyring lying on her dresser before the room went black and silent.
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