School of Booze by Jane Peyton


“School of Booze by Jane Peyton is a captivating, comprehensive guide to libations, blending history, culture, and trivia into intoxicating enlightenment. Cheers!”

Jane Peyton’s School of Booze is a spirited journey through the world of libations, blending intoxicating lore with boozy anecdotes and historical insights. From the ancient origins of fermented alcohol to the intricate process of making absinthe, Peyton covers a vast array of topics with depth and enthusiasm.

Readers are treated to a comprehensive exploration of alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, and spirits, alongside their cultural significance and historical evolution. Peyton delves into the rituals of toasting, the role of alcohol in religion, and the origins of slang expressions related to drinking.

With its wealth of fascinating trivia and engaging storytelling, “School of Booze” is more than just an educational guide; it’s a delightful companion for anyone passionate about the art of imbibing. Whether you’re savoring a glass of wine or raising a pint at the pub, this book will enrich your appreciation for life’s “second greatest pleasure,” as Dr. Samuel Johnson famously described it.

Skyhorse Publishing’s commitment to diverse culinary topics shines through in this title, offering readers a refreshing perspective on the world of beverages. Whether you’re a connoisseur or a casual enthusiast, School of Booze is an essential addition to your library. Cheers to Peyton for crafting such a captivating ode to the joys of drinking!

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