Unveiling the Canvas of Experience:
The Artistry of Quentin Eckman’s Narrative Worlds

PHOTO: “Life’s greatest story is the one we create together. Grateful for every chapter with her by my side” -Quentin Eckman
Quentin Eckman is a storyteller whose creative journey began amidst the grease and gears of an auto mechanic’s shop and the sprawling landscapes of ranches. Born into a world that didn’t immediately offer the canvas of creative expression, Quentin navigated through various roles—maintenance worker, mechanic, ranch foreman, and even a stint as a U.S. Census worker. These diverse experiences unwittingly became the mosaic of inspiration for his future storytelling endeavors.
His career initially unfolded in the realm of graphic artistry, where he honed his skills in visual storytelling. But as the years passed, an irresistible pull toward the written word began to shape his aspirations. Quentin took a leap of faith, transitioning from the visual arts to the world of fiction writing.
Drawing from the tapestry of characters encountered during his earlier vocations and the vivid landscapes etched into his memory, Quentin found himself crafting narratives that were rich with authenticity. Little did he know, the people he met and the tales woven within the mundane fabric of everyday life were becoming the living research for his stories.
Embracing this newfound passion, Quentin Eckman delved into the craft of storytelling, infusing his narratives with the essence of human experience drawn from the unlikeliest of places. His writing reflects a deep understanding of the human condition, sculpted by the realities witnessed while treading diverse paths.
With each tale penned, Quentin weaves a tapestry of emotions, drawing readers into worlds that resonate with authenticity and characters that breathe with life. His journey from grease-stained hands to ink-stained pages is a testament to the transformative power of embracing creativity in all its forms.
Who are your favorite writers?
For fiction, Kurt Vonnegut, Barbara Kingsolver, non-fiction, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Bob Woodward.
What do you read when you’re working on a book?
When I’m writing I generally read non-fiction, science or politics, to avoid the influence of someone else’s style.
What books and authors have impacted your writing career?
Catch-22, Cat’s Cradle, and The Poisonwood Bible.
What books do you find yourself returning to again and again?
Anything by Vonnegut. His writing is cynical and wickedly funny.
What books are you embarrassed not to have read yet?
Moby Dick. I keep meaning to get a copy, but I just haven’t done so. Shame on me!
How did your early career marked by a range of jobs shape your perspective on storytelling and character development?
It’s been my good fortune to meet more than a few interesting characters while employed in a variety of endeavors. My stories are drawn from my life. Most of my characters are either a combination of several acquaintances or entirely fictional.
Are there recurring themes or messages that you explore in your fiction?
I enjoy exploring ironic situations. I often blend a little humor into the narrative.
What is your approach?
I fly by the seat of my pants. I have a beginning and ending in mind. I draw from experience as far as character development is concerned. I like to let my imagination go where it will. The main objective is to write the kind of story I would enjoy reading.
What do you want them to take away from your novels?
I hope to grab them with the first paragraph and keep them turning pages. I may have a message in mind, but creating an entertaining read is the goal. My readers will not likely finish the book and then set out to change the world, but if they find the story entertaining, that’s a good start.
Praise for The Dead Giveaway
I loved this book. It was so different yet so real. The characters were so interesting and you just had to fall in love with some of them. I will not tell the story but I would highly recommend it if you like humor, adventure, quirky characters, and just a very good story. One of the best I have read.
I enjoyed everything about this book. The light humor the quality of the writing, easy to follow pleasant to enjoy. Ghosts are fun sometimes I don’t like the deep dark evil ghost but his were very interesting and his interaction with them different. I do hope he writes many more books I will get them all for sure. Please Mr Eckman get busy I want more.
Eckman creates a relatable, imaginative … recently released from a mental hospital… The once famed ball player reacts unexpectedly to a bank robber when waiting to deposit his first retirement check. The bank situation sets off a chain of events that pull listeners into the story in the first few minutes. Price later connects with a man who resembles a bygone-era prospector stuck in the afterlife.
Each of the characters, from Price to Bill Keys to his landlady and to the bank robber work, interact in concert to deliver this delightful, action-packed adventure. Brisk dialogue with touches of honesty, anger, humor, and regret teases out the history of people and places to put readers or listeners inside the three-dimensional world in The Dead Giveaway. The story has several exciting twists of multiple story threads that meet in the unexpected conclusion…
Excerpt from The Dead Giveaway:
When I got close to the gate, I noticed a hand writ sign on it. The sign said ‘Keys, this is my last warning. Stay off my property.”
“I couldn’t read the sign too good from where I parked the truck, hmmm . . . right there just short of that big Joshua tree. I get out of the truck—it was an old Victory Dodge from the early ‘30s. I started walking up to get a better look at the sign and to open the gate. Bagley had been waitin’ in the brush right over there,” Bill pointed left to a small rise. The bushes was heavier in those days, or I might of seen him sooner. He comes out of the brush with a pistol in his hand, doesn’t say a word. He lifts that pistol and takes a shot at me…
…an ambush! That bullet whizzed by my head, just missed me by a little bit, and hit the Joshua tree. There’s still a mark in it where the bullet hit. I spun around and rushed back to my truck. I had left the door open. I was reaching for my rifle—I always carried it in the truck with me. It was a darn good thing I’d left that door open cause Bagley shot again, and that one might of got me except it glanced off the door frame.”
“Weren’t you afraid?” Lewis asked.
“I reckon I was too mad to be afraid just then. Maybe you felt that way that day in the bank, just too mad at the situation to analyze it and quick enough to not panic. Anyway, I grabbed my rifle and hid behind the truck door. Bagley turned to duck back into the bushes, not so brave once I was armed too. I popped the rifle butt to my shoulder and got off a quick shot. I could normally hit what I was aiming at, but Bagley was moving, and I was in such a hurry that I only winged him. I hit him in the arm. It might have stopped some fella who would figure he was outmatched, pistol to rifle, but Bagley turned and fired a wild shot and ducked back into the brush a dodging and weaving. He wasn’t so well-hidden moving like that. I took aim and got off another shot and he dropped to the ground. I was pretty sure I hit him clean. I couldn’t see him no more, as he was down flat in the brush.”
“Then what did you do?” Lewis had quite a few physical confrontations, but he’d never been in a gunfight, unless you count that day in the Yucca Valley Bank.
“I stayed back by the truck for a spell waiting to see if he moved. When he didn’t, I got back in the truck, reversed out of there and took the long way back home. I still thought Bagley might just be playing possum to get another crack at me. I wasn’t about to give him another advantage. I went back home had some lunch, changed clothes, and drove down to Twentynine Palms and turned myself in.”
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