A Literary Journey Through Time and Soul

In the ever-expanding realm of historical and metaphysical fiction, one name has consistently stood out, capturing the imaginations of readers and earning critical acclaim for his storytelling prowess. Neil Perry Gordon, a prolific author with an impressive repertoire, has woven tales that transcend time, blending rich historical narratives with metaphysical explorations, creating an immersive experience for his readers.
Gordon embarked on his literary journey with the debut novel, A Cobbler’s Tale, and has since taken readers on captivating adventures through works such as Moon Flower, The Righteous One, The Bomb Squad, Hope City, Sadie’s Sin, Cape Nome, Otzi’s Odyssey, Denali, Thunder Falls, and his latest release, The Nazarite. Each novel bears the hallmark of Gordon’s narrative skill and meticulous research, establishing him as a respected figure in the literary world.
The roots of Neil Perry Gordon’s storytelling prowess can be traced back to his formative years at the Green Meadow Waldorf School, where he imbibed the notion that literature, legends, and myths are not mere subjects to be studied but profound lessons to be experienced. This holistic education laid the foundation for his organic approach to writing, where characters take center stage, leading the narrative in unforeseen directions.
A defining aspect of Gordon’s work is the delicate balance between character development and fast-paced action. His novels have become synonymous with unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats and earning him accolades from notable publications such as Kirkus, Midwest Book Review, Book Viral, and a legion of satisfied readers on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads.
In a conversation with Neil Perry Gordon, we delve into the roots of his inspiration and the unique aspects of his creative process. Gordon’s love for storytelling is not confined to the pages of his novels; it is a reflection of his life experiences, from growing up among the wilds of a distant suburb to the profound impact of personal tragedy.
The interview explores the books and authors that have left an indelible mark on Gordon’s literary journey, including the one book that served as the wellspring of his writer’s inspiration – Shantaram by David Gregory Roberts. We gain insights into his writing habits, the challenges he faces in a saturated literary landscape, and the spiritual underpinnings that emerged from a deeply personal quest to understand the journey of his son’s soul.
As readers, we are treated to a glimpse of Gordon’s reading preferences, his go-to authors for inspiration, and the kind of literature that moves him the most. The interview concludes with a peek into the future as Gordon shares his upcoming literary endeavors, promising more tales that seamlessly blend history and metaphysics.
Neil Perry Gordon’s literary odyssey is a testament to the power of storytelling to transcend time, explore the depths of the soul, and leave an indelible mark on those who embark on the journey through the pages of his novels. Join us as we unravel the layers of Neil Perry Gordon’s literary tapestry, inviting readers into a world where history meets the metaphysical, and the human spirit takes center stage.
Neil Perry Gordon, Beginning with his debut novel—A Cobbler’s Tale, followed by Moon Flower, The Righteous One, The Bomb Squad, Hope City, Sadie’s Sin, Cape Nome, Otzi’s Odyssey, Denali, Thunder Falls, and most recently—The Nazarite, Neil Perry Gordon has established himself as a well-respected, prolific novelist of historical and metaphysical fiction. His storytelling abilities has earned him high editorial praise from the likes of Kirkus, Midwest Book Review, Book Viral and others, including hundreds of four and five star reader reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.
Neil attributes his love of the writing process to his formative education at the Green Meadow Waldorf School, where he understood that classes such as music, dance and theater, writing, literature, legends and myths, were not simply subjects to be learned, but instead lessons to be experienced.
His creative writing methods and inspiration have been described as organic; meaning he begins his work with a premise for his characters, rather than working within the confines of a formal, detailed outline. This encourages his writing to offer surprising twists and unexpected outcomes, which readers have celebrated. His novels have the attributes of being driven by an equal balance between character development and face-paced action, which moves his stories along at a swift page-turning pace.
Can you share with our readers how you grew up?
I was raised among the wilds of a distant suburb, where I built forts in the woods, swam with bullfrogs in muddy ponds, and regardless of the weather, played ball until my mother called me in for dinner. My school days were where I learned that music, art, theater, writing, legends, and myths were not courses simply to be studied, memorized, and tested, but instead lessons to be lived and experienced. Meanwhile, during my youth, Father taught me the intricacies of owning and managing a retail business. One that supported our family along with serving the needs of a community.
Was there a single book that inspired you to become a writer?
The one book I attribute as the source driving my writer’s inspiration is Shantaram. It is hard to find another author with the same ability to transform prose into poetry like David Gregory Roberts. When in need, I reach for one of his memorable passages and relish in the marvelous ways he weaves our most sensitive emotions into his storytelling.
Was there an event in your life that has inspired your writing?
On January 27th, 2021, my thirty-two-year-old son passed away. This tragic moment had a massive effect upon me, which in turn began my quest of trying to understand the journey of my son’s soul. I wanted to learn how to pierce the veil between our two worlds in order to maintain our connection. What I’ve learned is that my fiction writing is not only a wonderful way of delving into the metaphysical world, but is also a spiritual practice. This examination blossomed into an idea that our biography is not limited to our time on earth, but continues on into our soul life, creating an infinite loop of an eternal story.
What habits have contributed the most to you becoming a successful writer?
In one word—perseverance. I have published ten novels and a novella in the past five years. To produce this amount of work, I must write every day. This discipline or dare I say—obsession, has allowed me to take great strides in the quality of my storytelling. Of course, if I hadn’t had good reviews, I wouldn’t have persevered. It is truly satisfying to hear from readers about my books.
How would you describe your writing process?
My writing process can be described as organic, meaning I begin with a premise for my characters and let the story unfold from there, rather than working from a detailed outline. This approach results in surprising twists and unexpected outcomes, which readers have celebrated. My novels are known for its balance between character development and fast-paced action, which keeps my stories moving along at a swift pace.
What are the greatest challenges you face as an author?
The greatest challenge in my writing career has been creating awareness of my work. There are so many books being written and offered, which is great as a reader, but difficult for the author to gain notoriety. Hopefully, with publications such as The Reader’s House, I can reach a wider audience.
What’s the last great book you read?
Shantaram by David Gregory Roberts
You’re organizing a party. Which two authors, dead or alive, do you invite?
Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury
What do you read when you’re working on a book?
I seek out inspiring, poetic prose, even though my writing is not embellished in a similar way.
And what kind of reading do you avoid while writing?
I avoid complex plot novels, as I want to keep my creative process unincumbered by another writer’s storytelling strategies.
What moves you most in a work of literature?
Evocative, meaningful and generational sweeping tales. Such epics fuels my creativity and encourages me to improve the quality of my novels.
What genres do you especially enjoy reading?
I’m an avid reader of Historical Fiction and a writer of the same. I also enjoy tales infused with a healthy dose of the metaphysical.
What book are you planning to read next?
The Creative Act – A Way of Being by Rick Rubin
What books and authors have impacted your writing career?
Stein on Writing by Sol Stein. Steven King on Writing by Steven King. Story by Robert McKee.
Which writer would you want to write your life story?
If he were still alive, I would select Ray Bradbury.
What books do you find yourself returning to again and again?
ales of Alhambra by Washington Irving. The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov.
What books are you embarrassed not to have read yet?
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
Stories by Neil Perry Gordon
Jewish Immigrants Story of Survival, from Eastern Europe to New York’s Lower East Side – Book 1 (October 2018)
A Seventeenth Century Tale of a Young Man’s Search for the Great Spirit (February 2019)
A Cobbler’s Journey into the Dreamworld and Beyond – Book 2 (September 2019)
Clash of the Patriots (April 2020)
The Alaskan Adventures of Percy Hope – The Goldfield Trilogy – Book 1 (May 2020)
The Zwi Migdal’s Reign of Terror (November 2020)
The Alaskan Adventures of Percy Hope – The Goldfield Trilogy – Book 2 (March 2021)
The Troubled Soul of a Neolithic Iceman (January 2022)
The Alaskan Adventures of Percy Hope – The Goldfield Trilogy – Book 3 (June 2022)
A Short Story of Unintended Consequences – (November 2022)
The Education of Leopold Red Wolf – (February 2023)
The Untold Story of Samson & Delilah – (March 2023)
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