his interview is published on March ’23 issue of
The Reader’s House Magazine.
Kris Courtney
Multi-Award Winning American Author & Artist
Kris Courtney has recently returned to Indiana and has authored a New Book ‘FLORIDA RETIREMENT IS MURDER’ (Fictional Satire Cozy Mystery) from his experiences in the state of Florida that have given light to a fictional story of generational characters encountered throughout 20 years of traveling across the United States as a professional Artist & Author.
His works include original oil paintings that have been shown abroad, won multiple awards & recognition in artistic genre application of watercolor, acrylic and multimedia. After a successful early career in Engineering & Robotics, he found through the ashes of a divorce the inspiration and purpose to begin writing and painting. Since then, He had been honored to have Studio & Gallery locations across the US in Ohio, New Mexico, Kentucky, Georgia and Florida.
As well, He has penned an award winning international screenplay (Norma’s Sun) and other various publications that include a personal memoir as well a collection of self published children’s books. This new publication is a rebirth of creativity from a series of setbacks that left him in a deep depression and writers block.
You’re organizing a party. Which two authors, dead or alive, do you invite?
Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson
What do you read when you’re working on a book? And what kind of reading do you avoid while writing?
Around the Year with Emmet Fox, Newspaper
Who is your favorite fictional hero or heroine?
Bond, James Bond
What kind of reader were you as a child?
Minimal, art & imagination
If you could meet any writer, dead or alive, who would it be? And what would you want to know?
Leonardo Da Vinci, Where is your origin of Wisdom?
What books do you find yourself returning to again and again?
What inspired you to author this book?
Travel and People watching across the Country
What do people say or ask you the most?
Most people will always ask me; I should write my life story. I always tell them the same – just do it! Start writing and bleed on the keyboard. If the work needs edited (which it always will no matter how you publish it) an Editor and Proof will do the dirty work when you are finished. God knows I have heard a lot of feedback from my Fans about how I could have done better… But seriously, I am an Artist, my job is to create stuff so people can criticize it and tell me what I did wrong…
Do you like your own Art or Writing?
I think it is characteristic for most Artists to be their worst critic. I have heard it all and truth be told, some people will gladly tell you how wonderful you are to convince you otherwise. But I have never really liked what I create except for a only a few items. I will say though, I am very proud of this latest book and the reception it is getting from readers across the globe! I think we can all relate to a good belly laugh…
If you could change anything about your life, what would that be?
I have had this question before and most times people will ask if I would want a “normal” body or not to have experienced the pain of life at such a young age? And albeit my understanding of God and Spiritual Values may change over time, the foundation that was established through the lessons experienced, has given me gratitude for the moments given. We all may have the desire to do something’s in life different, but I regret nothing.
As a person with disabilities, recovery of sobriety for almost 40 years now, each day is a gift. What I do with that gift, is my gift back to God. I used alcohol to escape the ‘Mistake that God made only to realize as an adult, the moments obtained together can create a lifetime of unique and powerful testimony to this purgatory we all share. I firmly believe what I do with this moment, this day, this gift is what determines my destiny in the next life and beyond – I hope I have used it well…