Unveiling Fiction’s Intriguing Depths
PHOTO: Keith Williams, Author of ‘Beyond the Picture,’
finds inspiration in character-driven narratives.
Keith Williams, transitioning from business articles to fiction,
shares inspirations and his writing process.
Characters drive his narratives, crafting immersive stories.
Discovering a newfound passion for storytelling beyond the confines of business articles, Keith Williams embarked on a journey to explore the depths of fiction. His debut novel, “Beyond the Picture,” marked a significant milestone in this transition, captivating readers with its immersive narrative. As he delves into his craft, Keith shares insights into his influences, inspirations, and the intricacies of his creative process in an exclusive interview with The Reader’s House magazine.
In this insightful conversation, Keith sheds light on the characters that have resonated deeply with him, drawing parallels between Agatha Christie’s iconic Poirot and Mario Puzo’s enigmatic Vito Corleone. Reflecting on his childhood, he reminisces about the adventure-filled pages of “Treasure Island,” a book that ignited his imagination and appreciation for the world of literature.
His literary tastes, veering toward mysteries and thrillers, are colored by the significance he places on character dynamics and human connections within the storytelling. Keith draws inspiration from the versatile writing style of Nicholas Sparks, admiring the author’s ability to tailor his narrative voice to suit diverse characters and tales.
For Keith, the essence of a novel lies in its characters’ authenticity and depth. He passionately emphasizes that a compelling storyline hinges on the believability and relatability of its protagonists. As he gears up for the release of his next book, a crime-infused narrative interwoven with a love story, Keith shares glimpses into his writing regime—a fluid yet dedicated approach that seizes inspiration wherever it strikes.
Intrigued by the enigmatic nature of mysteries, Keith unravels his process of crafting stories, revealing that while he often envisages the conclusion, the journey his characters undertake remains a thrilling mystery even to him. Reflecting on impactful lines from literature, he fondly recalls the emotional resonance of the final paragraph in Pat Conroy’s “Prince of Tides,” acknowledging the profound ways stories and their characters imprint upon our lives.
As Keith Williams ventures deeper into the realms of fiction, his passion for storytelling and commitment to creating compelling characters continue to shape his literary endeavors, promising readers an engaging narrative that transcends the boundaries of imagination.
Keith Williams has always loved to write but for a long time, his writing was generally confined to business articles.However, it was the idea of putting down the opening words of an intriguing piece of fiction that really excited him.
With the desire to turn his passion into a profession, Keith has written prolifically, resulting in the in the release, in early 2023, of his debut novel “Beyond the Picture”.
However, the success of “Beyond the Picture” encouraged him to write a second novel which he hopes to have published during the early part of 2024.
Who is your favourite fictional character?
I actually have two favourite characters.
Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie has written many great characters, but Poirot is on a whole other level. With his impeccable fashion sense and signature mustache, he manages to stand out despite his small stature. Every time he makes an appearance, I am completely captivated by him.
Mario Puzo. In The Godfather, Vito Corleone is a complex and intriguing character. Is he a devoted husband and caring father? Or is he a ruthless and murderous criminal? In reality, he is both, which adds depth to the character and makes him all the more compelling.
What was the first book you read as a child?
As a child, I didn’t read very much but now I regret it deeply. I was always more drawn to the outdoors. However, I have since learned that books can transport you to far-off places beyond your own street, town, or country.
The one book from my childhood that sticks out in my memory is Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. It had everything – a treasure map, a one-legged pirate, and even a talking parrot. What more could a young boy ask for?
What genres do you especially enjoy reading?
While I have a preference for mystery/thrillers and sometimes crime. However, the heart of any story will also focus on capturing the relationships and vulnerabilities of my characters.
What books and /or authors have inspired you or impacted your writing?
The writing style of Nicholas Sparks is one that I greatly admire. While some authors tend to have a consistent tone and voice throughout their work, Mr. Sparks has the remarkable ability to adapt his style to suit the unique personalities and stories of his characters. It is truly an impressive skill.
What is the most important aspect of a novel for you?
What truly makes a story come alive are its characters. Without well-developed and compelling characters, even the most amazing plot falls flat. I could have a brilliant story to tell, but if my characters aren’t believable and relatable, then all my efforts would be for nothing. So when someone tells me they love a character in my story, that holds more weight than them simply saying they love the plot.

PHOTO: Beyond the Picture: A Debut Novel by Keith Williams,
Unveiling Intrigue and Imagination.
Are you working on a book at the moment
Unlike my previous novel, Beyond the Picture, my new book will focus more on a crime plot with a love story intertwined. I’m hoping for a release early next year
What is your writing regime/process?
There’s no set schedule for my writing, though I usually wake up at 5am and spend a solid two hours writing. My laptop is always with me, so I often find myself writing on planes, trains, or in coffee shops and restaurants. Once, while driving, an idea struck me and I immediately pulled off the road so I could write it down.
When writing a mystery, do you know you know the end before you start to write.
Usually, I have a clear picture of how the story will end. What remains a mystery is how my characters will reach that ending. That’s part of the thrill of writing.
Have you read any lines of a book that have resonated with you and which you can recall?
I remember the final paragraph of Pat Conroy’s novel, Prince of Tides. It left a lasting impact on me as a reader and writer. That last paragraph is filled with emotion and raw honesty. It recognizes that certain individuals enter our lives for a reason.
What Readers said…
–‘this story follows Rob as he travels to find the answers to his intriguing family questions. I found this romantic story provided an in-depth look into my own situation and the struggles that can be created from them’
-‘you certainly are going to want this book for your collection’
-‘a beautifully crafted mystery romance novel that will keep readers engaged from beginning to end. Keith Williams demonstrates skillful storytelling, creating a poignant tale of love, loss and the transformative journey towards healing’
-‘love this, dealt with grief and loss and the characters were great’
-‘a reflective story full of grief and loss dynamics that impact those around us, but can also bring healing and renewal. Thoughtful and well put together’
-‘a book full of surprises.The surprise plot had my jaw on the floor. It was a good read’
-‘really loved this unusual story, about love, secrets and the impact choices have on
subsequent generations’
-a great book. A mystery wrapped around working through grief and love’
-‘thoroughly good read. Great storyline with engaging characters. Surely a best seller’
Follow the Author
- Website: https://www.keithwilliamswrites.com
- Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Keith-Williams/author/B0C3X184WF?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
- Goodreads Author page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/dashboard?ref=nav_profile_authordash
- Twitter:https://twitter.com/KeithWwrites