Discovering the Intersection of Faith, Literature, and Life Through Lakisha’s Inspiring Writing Journey

“Unapologetically embracing her writing ministry, Lakisha’s words reflect the depths of faith, love, and resilience. Her characters come alive, weaving stories that touch hearts and inspire souls. Join her literary journey and discover the power of storytelling. #WritingMinistry #InspiringCharacters #UnapologeticWriter #FaithInWords”
Lakisha has been writing since 2012 and has penned more than twenty-five novels, devotionals, and journals. You can find topics of faith, abuse, marriage, love, loss, grief, losing hope etc. on the pages of her many books.
In addition to being a self-published author, she’s also a wife of 22 years, mother of 2, Co-Pastor, Sr. Business Analyst, Devotional Blogger, and the product of a large family. She’s a college graduate with 2 Associate Degrees in IT and a Bachelor of Science in Bible.
Lakisha writes from her heart and doesn’t take the credit for what God does because if you were to strip away everything; you’d see that Lakisha is simply a woman who boldly, unapologetically and gladly loves and works for God.
Ask her and she’ll tell you, “Its not just writing, it’s ministry.”
Who are your favorite writers? Are there any who aren’t as widely known as they should be, whom you’d recommend in particular?
My favorite writers are Indie Authors, those who keep writing even if they aren’t widely known or whose royalties aren’t allowing them to retire just yet. Authors like Khara Campbell, Stacy Covington-Lee, D.A. Bourne, Tanisha Stewart, and She Nell. Just to name a few. They inspire me.
What do you read when you’re working on a book? And what kind of reading do you avoid while writing?
I don’t usually read until I’m done writing. It’s not that reading distracts me, it’s finding the time to squeeze it in.
What moves you most in a work of literature?
The characters. I love getting tangled up in getting to know them within a story line. The intricate parts of their lives, down to the smallest details. It’s the characters that make the story and when they are detailed the right way, the book is even better.
What genres do you especially enjoy reading?
Mysteries, Christian, Urban, Romance, and Crime Fiction are my go-to reads.
What has been your most significant achievement as a writer thus far?
It is for sure meeting new people. I know this sounds cliché, but whenever I get messages, emails or friend request from people who’ve read my books and say, “Your book has helped me,” it is the most satisfying feeling ever because I don’t write simply because I have nothing else to do. I write because it’s part of my ministry and knowing this gift God has given me is truly helping people, yeah, I call that my mist significant achievement.
Have you ever changed your opinion of a book based on information about the author, or anything else?
No, I can’t say that I have, and I don’t know if I would. People aren’t perfect and therefore I’d only judge a book(s) based on the book.
Who is your favorite fictional hero or heroine?
Sgt. Sam Holland of Marie Force’s Fatal Series. I absolutely love this series and have found myself lost in it for hours.
How have you dealt with rejection within your writing career?
I take it as part of the business. I’ve been rejected by people who feel my books aren’t “clean Christian,” yet, I’m okay with that because I don’t write for them. This gift is between me and God. He just so happen to allow me to share part of it with the world. So, when I’m rejected in any arena, it doesn’t bother me because I write for imperfect people. See, early on I realized not everybody is going to accept who I am as a bold, unapologetic preacher who tells it like it is. That’s fine. I stopped conforming for people a long time ago. I am who I am.
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