Discover how a former attorney became a bestselling romance author, inspiring readers and writers alike
Caridad Pineiro discusses her transition from law to writing, her inspiration for romance novels, and her dedication to mentoring aspiring writers through workshops and the Liberty States Fiction Writers.
Caridad Pineiro is a literary force to be reckoned with, seamlessly blending her passion for storytelling with a deep understanding of human emotions and relationships. A New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Caridad has captivated readers worldwide with her compelling romance novels, selling over a million copies. Her journey from a career in law to a celebrated author is a testament to her dedication and love for the craft. Caridad’s works are not only a source of entertainment but also an inspiration for aspiring writers, as she generously shares her knowledge and experience through workshops and as a founding member of the Liberty States Fiction Writers. Her ability to create vivid, relatable characters and intricate plots has earned her a special place in the hearts of romance readers everywhere.
In this interview with Reader’s House Magazine, Caridad Pineiro opens up about her transition from law to writing, the inspiration behind her beloved novels, and her commitment to nurturing new talent in the writing community. From the sun-kissed beaches of the Jersey Shore to the bustling streets of Manhattan, Caridad’s stories transport readers to enchanting locales while exploring timeless themes of love, family, and personal growth. Join us as we delve into the mind of this remarkable author and discover the secrets behind her enduring success and creativity.
Caridad Pineiro masterfully blends emotion and storytelling, captivating readers with her vivid characters and inspiring aspiring writers worldwide.
As someone who transitioned from a career in law to becoming a bestselling romance author, what inspired you to make that leap, and how has your legal background influenced your writing?
In the fifth grade a teacher assigned a project: to write a 20-page book for a class lending library. I’d always had stories in my head, so I went home and started writing. I never stopped but as the child of immigrant parents, they always stressed having a profession and that’s how I ended up as an attorney. But I never lost my dream of becoming a published author and after the birth of my daughter, I decided to show her that you can follow your dreams and set a goal to become published. It took several years but I accomplished it. As for whether my legal training had any impact on my writing, I think learning how to build a legal argument helps me craft a logical plot.
Decoy Training is the first book in the K-9s on Patrol series, featuring a former Marine and a dog trainer. What drew you to writing a K-9 unit police romance, and how did you research the unique dynamics between the handlers and their dogs?
I love writing romantic suspense, and my editor suggested I try my hand at a story with a K-9 unit. Although I’m a cat person, I also love dogs so the idea appealed to me. I researched how dogs are trained by reading several articles and speaking to a dog trainer. I also tried some of the dog training tips on my sister’s rescued greyhounds and my daughter’s pit bull mix. It was rewarding to see how the tips worked and I included some of that in the Decoy Training and the new South Beach Security K-9 Division series.
Your book One Summer Night is part of the At the Shore Contemporary Romance Series and explores themes of family feuds and forbidden love. What inspired the setting of the Jersey Shore, and how does the locale influence the storyline?
I live on the Jersey Shore and love highlighting the area since it’s so beautiful. But One Summer Night also includes many scenes set in Manhattan where I worked for many years. The two settings are important parts of the story since the hero and heroine both love their homes and businesses in the areas and are torn by their desires to protect both areas and the love that they want to explore.
As a founding member of the Liberty States Fiction Writers, you’re passionate about helping others develop their writing skills. What advice do you have for aspiring writers who are just starting out, especially in the romance genre?
The romance genre has many wonderful opportunities for new writers because of the many sub-genres in romance as well as romance readers who are voracious and often read several books in a month. It’s important to understand the reader expectations in each sub-genre so you can deliver a book that will appeal to readers and to do that, you need to read, read, read. The other important thing to do is to sit down and write as often as you can. That can be difficult if you’re working and have a family but you have to treat your writing like a job and give it the attention it needs so that you can finish your book.
Having sold over a million books since your first release in 1999, how do you keep your stories fresh and engaging for readers, and what motivates you to continue writing after such a successful career?
It can be tough to keep stories fresh since I’ve written nearly 80 books by now, but I always try to include something new in each story and to create characters that readers will love. With my romantic suspense stories, that means thinking of plots that have new crime-solving technologies and plots that have several twists as well as action. For my contemporary romances, it is very much about exploring relationships and how I can create a believable partnership between the characters.
Your books often explore the concept of a Happily-Ever-After. How do you approach creating satisfying endings for your characters, even when they face significant challenges along the way?
When I craft a story, I think of the greatest fear that keeps a character from becoming involved with someone else and then I think about what it will take for them to overcome that fear. I also consider whether the person who will be their love interest connects with that fear in any way and how that will affect the relationship. It’s not easy because you want that conflict to be believable and not contrived. Hopefully, my readers feel that I accomplish that in my novels.