Angela’s Literary Tapestry: Weaving Tales of Resilience, Romance, and Creative Empowerment

Discover the World of Angela’s Best-Selling Novels,
Historical Romance,  and the Art of Unleashing Your Creative Voice 

PHOTO: Meet Angela, the storyteller weaving tales of resilience and  romance. As a best-selling author and creative thinking coach,
she  inspires with her words and empowers others to find their unique voice.

Angela writes books for people who love people and life in all its tangled glory – for those who quietly work for transformation and believe in happy endings.

In her books, you will find resilient, relatable heroines with warm hearts who try to do the next right thing despite difficult circumstances and their own saboteur voices.

Her first novel, Touch, became an Amazon best-seller. There are now four novels in the Ellie Rose Series.

Her first historical romance novel, A Song for Kitty, was released on 24th August 2023 by The Book Reality Experience and Leschenault Press.

Her short stories have been published in ‘Yours’ magazine and feature regularly on the radio. She is a regular guest on writing podcasts and summits.

Angela is also a creative thinking coach and passionate about the inspiration to write. She helps creatives gain mental fitness, be more confident and productive, happier and less stressed. The world needs each unique voice – and if not you, then who can write your truth?

Married with two grown lads and three grandsons, Angela is owned by two Gordon Setter dogs.

What’s the last great book you read?

As a writer, I love to read and have read some excellent indie books recently. In women’s fiction, I thoroughly enjoyed Julia Blake’s Perennials trilogy and laughed and cried along with the characters. The books tell the story of how a lonely ugly duckling girl created her style, gathered a found family and weathered all the storms that life can throw. I also love a good crime thriller and enjoyed Wendy H. Jones’ The Killer’s Countdown, set in Dundee, if you love Rebus, you’ll enjoy DI Shona McKenzie too. I also loved Helen Garraway’s Soul Breather and Dragon Bound too, the themes of corruption and political powerbroking in heaven are intriguing and who doesn’t love a wounded hero.

What is your favourite book no-one has heard of.?

Ellen Read’s Cozy Mystery series The Thornton Mysteries – great fun 1920’s cozies but set in Australia. I’m going to binge read the rest of the series next.

Which writers working today do you most admire?

I love Joanne Harris’s work she writes France so well and transports me effortlessly to when I lived there  – all with a touch of magical realism thrown in.

What books and authors have impacted your writing career.?

Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet the beauty of his prose and the profound wisdom held within made me long to reach people’s hearts in my own way. The Vianne Rocher Series by Joanne Harris for her amazing descriptive prose which made me write my books in descriptive settings to place the reader with the characters.  Susan Howatch, For her ability to delve deep into her characters lives and make you love them flaws and all.

If you could meet any author alive or dead who would it be?

It would be Jane Austen and I would like to people watch with her and discuss the character quirks that make them remarkable. I’d also like to know about the inspiration that gave her the courage to step out of the norm.

Why did you start writing?

I’ve always written a lot of non-fiction in my work as a physiotherapist, and I created a series of relaxation stories set to music for my clients. Then, a young friend of mine died from an aggressive brain tumour and I thought no-one knows how long they have. Write your novel now! Now I can’t stop.

Why did you turn to historical fiction for your latest book?

I’m incredibly excited about my latest release, A Song for Kitty. It was inspired by my grandmother who was born in 1896, she was 106 when she died. I was fortunate to have talked to her a lot about her life growing up. I also have some amazing archives in the form of her photos and some of her beautiful needlework too. This book is not her personal story at all, but the stories she told me, along with my research, gave me the setting and the voice of some of the characters. She was an amazing lady and I wanted to write something in her memory.

What would your main character say about A Song for Kitty?

Lily Matthews would say “We made mistakes, Aiden and I, but we were young and had brave, restless hearts. We wanted to be part of the changes that were going on around us and most of all we wanted to be together. But life isn’t always simple, we say things we don’t mean with powerful consequences. This is my story, but more than that it’s the story of how women found their voice.”

Why did you start coaching?

There is so much distress in lives which is unnecessary if we believed in our unique essence and purpose. I draw on skills I’ve learned as a physio and author, as well as the Positive Intelligence coaching system. This helps us to recognise unhelpful thinking that often stems from childhood and gives us an internal commentary of negative, judgemental of pessimistic emotions – frustration, anger, blame, regret, remorse, feelings of being unworthy. Fortunately, we can switch that around by consciously using ‘circuit breaking exercises’ based on the five senses. These allow us to redirect our thinking along different neural pathways to the right side of the brain where we can reframe the situation or experience into a learning opportunity and growing experience.

It’s always good to remember that no-one else has your unique voice and experience to contribute.


“Such a lovely book. A warm and loving romance about second chances after unbearable loss. Cairns treats sensitive subjects with care and understanding and introduces us to a new heroine.”

-Helen Garraway – Award Winning Author

“A richly evocative and deeply satisfying novel, the tale of Lily and her fight for happiness and autonomy is one that will resonate with women everywhere.”

-Julia Blake Author

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