Unveiling the Literary Brilliance of Michelle M. Pillow

Inviting Readers Into Her Enchanting Worlds

Michelle M. Pillow, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, discusses her diverse genres, creative process, and global impact, inviting readers into her enchanting worlds.

In the realm of literature, there are storytellers who possess a unique gift: the ability to transport readers to worlds beyond imagination, where love, mystery, and adventure intertwine. Michelle M. Pillow stands as one such luminary, a beacon of creativity whose literary endeavors have captured the hearts of millions. In our exclusive interview with this esteemed author, we delve into the depths of her prolific career, exploring the genesis of her storytelling prowess and the boundless realms she creates.

With over a million books sold, Michelle M. Pillow has carved a remarkable niche in the literary landscape, earning accolades as a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author. Renowned for her mastery of romance and mystery, Pillow’s narratives are imbued with rich world-building that serves as portals for the imagination. Whether it’s the enchanting allure of the Qurilixen World, the intrigue of the Warlocks MacGregor series, or the magical realms of the Order of Magic series, Pillow’s tales captivate readers with their gripping narratives and vibrant characters.

Evangeline Anderson, herself a luminary in the literary world, extols Pillow’s work, describing it as a seamless fusion of curiosity and passion, where investigative reporters collide with hot Alien Dragon-Shifters in a symphony of excitement and romance. Tasha Black echoes this sentiment, praising Pillow’s ability to infuse her novels with humor and heat, creating a tapestry of emotions that resonates deeply with readers.

But what lies behind the veil of Pillow’s creative process? In our interview, she offers a glimpse into the inner workings of her mind, revealing the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into crafting each tale. From the inception of characters to the intricacies of world-building, Pillow’s approach is a testament to her dedication to the craft.

Yet, amidst the accolades and acclaim, Pillow remains grounded, attributing her success to a relentless pursuit of excellence and an unwavering commitment to her readers. With sage advice for aspiring writers and a profound appreciation for the global reach of her stories, Pillow’s humility shines through, reminding us of the profound impact of literature on the human experience.

As we embark on this journey into the realms of Michelle M. Pillow’s imagination, we invite you to immerse yourself in the magic of storytelling, where worlds are born from words, and dreams take flight on the wings of imagination. Join us as we unravel the mysteries, explore the depths of love, and embark on adventures beyond the realms of possibility. Welcome to the enchanting world of Michelle M. Pillow.

You write in many different romance genres. What drew you to writing romance and what do you enjoy most about it?

I want to create unforgettable, emotional tales. My goal is to write stories that not only entertain but also linger in the hearts and minds of readers long after the final page has been turned. I want readers to become fully immersed and read themselves into the story, whether it’s to agree or disagree with the characters. Seeing characters deal with problems (even dealing with them poorly) helps us to navigate our own issues. Romance does all this and more.

Having written in many romance genres, one thing became obvious very quickly: for better or worse, I wasn’t a one-genre writer. My muse likes to explore and research, so I let her. I’m fortunate to have readers who follow me from genre to genre.

How do you come up with ideas and stories for your many series featuring shifters, aliens, ghosts, etc.? 

Character and world-building are my favorite parts of writing. Whether the world is a modern city or a faraway planet, my characters are products of where they come from. I start with character history and personality quirks. Once I know those, I know what kind of adult they are and how they might react to the situations I put them in. I need to know their needs and motivations. Physical attributes are usually the last thing I think about. 

What is your writing process like? Take us through a typical day when you are working on a new book.

Working as a professional author means deadlines. Lots and lots of deadlines. Normally, I’ll have books being promoted, another in writing/edits, another in planning stages, and then there is the admin and marketing. It’s a never-ending cycle. 

I work anywhere. Not because I’ve wanted to over the years, but because I had to—waiting rooms, parking lots, airports, hotels. I even finished a book in the passenger seat of a car while driving halfway across the country. It wasn’t a fun 10 hours for the driver. LOL Luckily for me, he still married me. 

 How do you come up with the unique worlds and settings for your stories? Do you draw inspiration from real-life locations or completely imagine them?

It’s a combination of imagination and inspiration.

Doing things away from the computer can help to refill the creative well. Often, that’s when the best ideas strike—when you’re not looking for them. Experiencing something makes you better versed in writing about it—not that I can take off into spaceships, but I can tour a ghost town, or interview an expert in paranormal investigations about their techniques, or visit museums. 

You’re bound to learn something every time you step out into the world.

You have a significant number of series and books to your name. How do you keep track of the different worlds and characters you’ve created?

It can be difficult, especially when it’s in a series I haven’t written in for years. I think it’s a matter of knowing my worlds and characters, like you’d know a friend or the house you grew up in. Sometimes my mind can walk right back into that room, or palace, or ship and see it because my imagination has already spent time there. And, less fun of an answer, I rely on my series bibles and notes to fill in the gaps.

 Do you have a favorite series or character that you have created? Which one and why?

Romance Writers of America recognized me for publishing over 100 books. Out of those, it’s hard to pick a favorite. I’m blessed to have a career that allows me to visit many different worlds. My first book, a Gothic Regency, Forget Me Not (formerly The Mists of Midnight) will always hold a special place in my heart because it’s what started my career. 

I’m best known for books that fall under the Qurilixen world sci-fi umbrella—there are shifters, aliens, and space pirates. I like the Realm Immortal series for the vast world building and the big cast of characters. It’s like an adult fairytale. I like the Tribes of the Vampire series because I’m a horror genre fan, and those books have darker themes.

One theme that runs through several of my series is the idea of family. Warlocks MacGregor series is a prime example. They’re a close-knit family of mischievous immortals living in modern-day Wisconsin. They might not always get along, but they’ll protect each other until the end… but not without a few pranks in the process.

What advice would you give to aspiring romance writers?

There is no magic pill. You must do the research and the work. Well, coffee is kind of like magic, and energy helps do the research, so maybe that’s my secret. LOL

Research everything—your book, marketing, promo, your genre—and think about the long-term goals, not just instant career gratification. 

Most importantly: Write the book. No book, no reason to go through the trouble of everything else. The book is the fun part! 

Your books have been translated into other languages. What’s it like seeing your stories reach global audiences?

I remember when a publisher first sent me the first Japanese translation of my book. I still have it on my shelf, along with the translations that came after. I was so excited I made everyone look at it. As an author, I want to make readers experience something. To know that people on the other side of the world that I never met and whose language I can’t speak are being entertained by something I created is… there are no words.

How much research goes into your books, especially when they involve elements of history, mythology, or science fiction?

I confess, sometimes I’ll plot a book because I want to research a topic. It’s so easy to get lost in that part of the process. I always want to be learning. With historicals, I can get lost in the anthropological details of how people lived. There is so much to think about—where did they sleep, how did they interact, how did they cook, what is their political climate? The list is endless.

People don’t always realize that fantasy and futuristic books also take research. I often base my futuristic worlds on historical societies. Even if the readers don’t see it, it helps ground the worlds in something familiar and gives them context. With futuristics, I need to know about space travel or tech. Not all research makes it onto the pages, but it does inform the overall feel of the story.

What is your favorite part of writing?

World building. I love taking all my research, experiences, and imagination and making something out of it. 

Also, the feeling when I complete a book, knowing that everything in front of me is because I did something, I created that world. And the best is when the book is released and I start hearing from readers who loved reading it as much as I loved writing it.

Why are books important?

Books provide entertainment, teach us things, and take us on fantastic journeys. Reading lets us absorb thoughts and ideas that we might not have otherwise considered. Maybe most profound is the way, during hard times like the pandemic, fiction can give a much-needed form of escapism.

What are you like in person? 

I’m told I’m quirky and adventurous. I’m not adventurous in the sense you’ll find me hanging off the top of Everest, but I’m willing to try new things and am always open to new opportunities. I’ve been on paranormal investigations of museums and vaudeville theatres. I was an extra on Z Nation. I’ve climbed Mayan temples in Belize. I’d say quirky because it seems to describe my sense of humor. I’m also a giant paranormal/sci-fi nerd, and proud of it.

I feel privileged to be an author, to be able to do a job I love, and that readers are willing to give my books a chance. Writing is such a personal experience, and to be able to share an emotional journey with others is amazing.

Thank you for having me!

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