A Journey of Wisdom, Courage, and Redemption
Peter DeHaan shares insights on his book Women of the Bible, highlighting overlooked stories, dispelling misconceptions, and celebrating the enduring relevance of these ancient narratives.
In the pages of history and the annals of spirituality, women often find themselves relegated to the margins, their stories overshadowed by the narratives of men. However, in the pursuit of truth and enlightenment, there are those who dare to turn the spotlight onto these overlooked figures, seeking to illuminate their journeys and glean wisdom from their experiences. One such individual is Peter DeHaan.
Peter DeHaan is not one to shy away from challenging the conventional narratives of faith. His quest for truth has led him to delve deep into the pages of the Bible, not in search of conformity, but in pursuit of understanding. Through his latest endeavor, Women of the Bible, Peter endeavors to shine a light on the often-dismissed stories of women within the sacred text.
In a recent interview conducted by Reader’s House Magazine, Peter shares his inspiration for focusing specifically on the stories of women in the Bible. He articulates his desire to provide these women with the attention they deserve, recognizing the wealth of wisdom they hold for spiritual seekers of all backgrounds.
Approaching his research with diligence and reverence, Peter discusses the nuances he uncovered within these biblical narratives. He speaks of surprising discoveries and insights, challenging contemporary perceptions of figures like Mary Magdalene and shedding light on lesser-known heroines like Judith.
Yet, beyond mere historical exploration, Peter’s work holds a deeper significance for readers today. By celebrating the resilience and fortitude of these ancient women, he offers a source of inspiration and guidance for navigating the complexities of modern life.
Moreover, Peter addresses head-on the criticisms often levelled against the Bible regarding its portrayal of women. With a nuanced understanding of scripture and history, he dismantles the notion of a sexist God, instead highlighting the inherent dignity and equality bestowed upon all humanity.
In Women of the Bible, Peter DeHaan invites readers to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment, guided by the voices of 135 remarkable women. Through his meticulous research and impassioned storytelling, he challenges us to reconsider our perceptions of gender dynamics and to glean timeless wisdom from the annals of history. As we turn the pages of this illuminating work, may we heed the call to listen, learn, and celebrate the enduring legacy of these extraordinary women.
What inspired you to focus specifically on the stories of women in the Bible?
Throughout my life I’ve heard thousands of sermons. Most were given by men and talked about the men in the Bible. They ignored women or gave them a mere footnote in the message. The women of the Bible deserve more attention, and I wanted to give it to them. There’s so much they can teach us.
How did you approach the research process for uncovering the nuances of these biblical narratives?
I use the Bible to interpret the Bible. Therefore, I studied the text and sought related passages to gain a deeper understanding of each woman. As I read, studied, and meditated on the text, I asked for the Holy Spirit to guide my thoughts and direct my words.
Were there any surprising discoveries or insights you encountered while writing this book?
Overall, I was surprised at the number of women I found.
Specifically, I discovered that today’s cultural view of Mary Magdalene is far different than the remarkable woman revealed through Scripture. I also was surprised to see Eve only mentioned four times in the Bible. And I delighted in discovering the amazing story of Judith, of her courage, her faith, and her amazing victory.
I also appreciated seeing women taking a ministry role in the New Testament and of their critical support of Jesus.
What do you hope readers will take away from “Women of the Bible” after reading it?
I pray that readers will have a renewed sense of wonder for what these women accomplished, often in the most difficult of circumstances. My desire is that both men and women will better appreciate these women and learn from their example. They have much to teach us, if only we will listen.
Can you share any personal experiences or anecdotes that influenced your perspective on these biblical women?
Throughout my life there have been many women who have taught me, encouraged me, and inspired me. Without their influence, I would not be nearly the person I am today. Celebrating the women in the Bible—and thereby encouraging others through their lives—is a tangible way to thank the women who’ve been instrumental in my life and celebrate their impact.
How do you see the relevance of these ancient stories for contemporary readers, particularly in terms of gender dynamics?
Many truths are universal, and I focus on them. Seeing women who persevered in the past, helps women and men persevere today. Seeing what women accomplished long ago—often in more difficult situations than we face now—encourages women and men to not give up today.
In cases where there is a cultural disconnect between past and present, seeing these stories from a different perspective can often help us see our current situations in a fresh way. And there is much value in that.
Many people criticize the Bible for how it portrays women. Is God sexist?
A person who has never read the Bile or reads it without a discerning eye may claim that the Bible treats women badly or that God is sexist. This, however, is far from the truth. God created us in his image, male and female. When he finished, he pronounced it as “very good.”
Though the Bible reveals God to us, the narrative takes place during a time when sin badly distorted what God had in mind for the human beings he made. In this regard, the Bible reflects man’s mistakes, not God’s heart. In the context of when it was written, many of God’s provisions and commands about women serve to actually elevate them and protect them from the sinfulness of men who sought to control them.
How many women does your book include?
I directly include 135 women in Women of the Bible. Most books about biblical women address only a handful, usually twelve or less. And that omits a lot of interesting women and ignores what we can learn from them. An appendix lists many more women, but since Scripture tells us little about them, I didn’t include them in the main text.
Women of the Bible by Peter DeHaan offers fresh insights, captivating narratives, and transformative lessons, inviting readers to rediscover biblical heroines.
In Women of the Bible: The Victorious, the Victims, the Virtuous, and the Vicious, Peter DeHaan delves into the often-overlooked narratives of biblical women with a refreshing perspective. With a keen eye for truth and a commitment to challenging conventional thought, DeHaan presents a compelling exploration of these women’s lives, transcending societal constraints to offer valuable lessons for modern readers.